Carnica Queens

Every beekeeper wants to have strong good bee families.
These families must be peaceful, resistant to diseases and of course be highly
productive in order to bring their owner not only the pleasure of working with
strong good family, but also the good profit.
The quality of bee family is highly dependent on the quality of its Queen.
There are different methods of high quality bee queens production such as:
Selection, Controlled insemination and Artificial insemination.
On this site you can find information about these methods and learn the
difference between: Selected breeders Queens, Breeding Queens, Racially
pure Queens, Production Queens, Cross breeding (hybrids)Queens, Random
mated Queens, Island mated and Artificial inseminations Queens.
If you are interested in selection, I highly recommend to use European system
of selection BLUP. It contains all necessary tools and methods you will ever
need for good and fast bee queens breeding.
But one of the best and most advanced ways of queen bee rearing is artificial
insemination. On this site you can find information about basic methods,
advanced techniques, little tips and tricks required for practicing the artificial
insemination of bee queens.
All information on this site  is based on my experience, which  I have received
while doing research in Ghent University( prof.Dirk De Graaf) in Selection
group VVBC ( prof.Oktaaf Van Laere),  working on various projects for Belgian
Royal Flemish Society of Beekeepers( KONVIP),  participating in  many
European and international seminars of beekeepers,  and of course  on
personal experiences of many happy years of working with bees.
If your are interested in acquiring good queens, but don’t have enough time for
selection, or don’t have good starting genetic material- you can buy high
quality bee queens in my shop on this site. But, please understand, that  I can
produce only limited number of bee queens and demand for them is high.
Good luck to you all in the beekeeping season!